Woodchip for Biomass Boilers

Woodchip fuel is generally suited to larger scale systems, and can be particularly useful on sites that include areas of woodland, such as farms, smallholding and holiday cottages

Wood chip boilers themselves are most appropriate for medium and large scale installations. As well as the previously mentioned agricultural settings, buildings that also currently use wood chip boilers include office buildings, universities and schools, leisure buildings and tourist attractions.

It is crucial to ensure that wood chip boilers are supplied with the appropriate type of fuel. This will vary between boiler types and sizes. There are two main factors to consider, that being the size of the particles and the moisture content.

Wood chips that are too large could clog the system and if the moisture content is not correct it could result in the boiler losing efficiency.

At Dyfed Powys Wood Fuels we know the exact standards required for biomass boilers.

Wood Chip Supply

Wood chips are an extremely energy efficient use of biomass, as they require less processing than pellets and less manual handling than logs. 

Our process, after harvesting or gathering the wood, is to chip the wood. The wood chip is then force dried and screened to premium grade quality.

Wood chips can be produced to different size and moisture content standards.

There should also be the consideration that the design of the fuel store is of huge importance, although it can form a significant part of the project cost, however the benefits are keeping your boiler area tidy and enabling a fast and easy delivery from a supplier such as us. 

To find out how we could help you with your wood chip fuel for your biomass system, call us on 01550 777717 or email louise@dc2engineering.co.uk